Enough venting, on to the fun news!
Kindergarten is a Hoot is throwing a 200 follower giveaway! $20 Target giftcard folks. That's right. You'll have to fight me for it. Okay, well, the random generator will have the final say so there will be no harm done to anyone.

Also, Teaching First is having a way cool giveaway. She has teamed up with four other amazing bloggers to give away 9, yes NiNe, fun wintery packets.

I hope your kiddos have been fabulous for you!! Tomorrow is a new day! For now, the Diet Dr. Pepper and a good run will help me relax later tonight. :)
P.S. Thank you Rebecca at Teaching First for helping me figure out the blog button situation. Hopefully I remember that the next time! :)
Hi Marcy! Thanks so much for blogging about our giveaway! When you are trying to add a link to someone's blog into your blog post, up in the upper right-hand corner there is a tab that lets you switch to HTML. Switch over by clicking the HTML tab, copy and past the code for the button, then switch back to view it by clicking on the compose button, also in the upper right-hand corner. If your are adding the button to the sidebar of your blog, just be sure to click on the HTNL/Java Script gadget in blogger. Hope this helps!
Teaching First